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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Assalamualaikum ! hey kawan2 ..what do you do ?
Seriously it's been long a long time i'm not updating my blog :) miss you my Miss.blogger

I'm not forgetting you babe , just no have any idea to write.So yeah .It's already 3:24 a.m and 
i dont feel ike sleepy at all , and i decide to update my blog :)..Hrm ! yeah alhamdulillah
my followers is increase.Thanks a lot guys ..

Sepanjang cuti sekolah ini , i had a many things to do..Hari tue 28/11/2011 aku n family pergi
genting highlands syok gila ..lepas berapa minggu mcm tue pawagam  1 /12/2011 ombak rindu pulak !
wow ! my favourite novel..tak sangka betul boleh keluar cerita ombak rindu..kt pawagam

macam tak percaya pulak..haha..Ombak rindu is the best melayu film i've had..:) congrat !
so let's talking about my cousin..i and my cousin is nothing now..not like previously

i'm not wishing that but well salah kalau aku tak bercakap korang dah tak macam 
dulu yang aku kenal so it's better kita tak payah berhubung lagi kan dan buat hal
masing-masing takde la korang kutuk , ketepikan aku  n buat aku kecil hati dan bertambah dosa                                                    asyik marah plus you ask for that.Sorry guys ! i can't be  a good cousin you'r dreamed for..
aku ingat korang la can making me smile n happy in my life..but i was mistaken about that
you must remember  we all know each other pretty well..kenapa harus bermusuh har ?
i know people tak expect pun kita jadi macamni.Okey ! semua manusia akan berubah kan.

My life now were completely by my family , sister in law , abg aswad n plus my future niece :)
i'm happy to know abg aswad dia banyak tolong aku n all my family .So we get close and closer 
day by day .We shared everything  together 'till now.Dulu korang la tempat shared aku but now 
it's different.Abg aswad can cheer me up nak harap kan kawan sekarang mmg seriously shit la
kawan sekarang dah tak boleh pakai kan .i thought u all  is my part of me now  lastly :( hrmm

Guys! seriously shit , I hate you.I'm not the type of preson yang suka mengaibkan orang but you're just
too much.Firstly memang aku tak percaya korang tue ni n nie but a lot of people said the same topic
ingat aku tak marah ker ? hey fikir la skit pasal perasaan mama aku ? kau orang ingt mama have no feeling
about thats semua manusia ada perasaan dan hati la now aku da berasa kecil hati n  sedih bcs of this.

I won't argue with you but i think you're being unfair.I spoke to you nicely , and aku yang kena balik
 I'm just like hey wtf mtf ?  bila susah pandai mencari bila senang diketepikan macam barang yg  berharga je 
 aku pun ada perasaan.Okay now look i warning you 
you've to know your limit so please stop to your nonsence talking .Please dont to be childish.
i've already say sorry to you , because aku adalah sifat kemanusiaan sikit..but you ? never say sorry what 
you done.Lucky you i don't tell whole word about your story.I'm not gonna reveal your identiti in my blog
So yeah siapa makan cili terasa la pedasnya.I don't mind what you wanna to say about me.And you must know
 that i will never hate you but please chaged korang punya diri.I'm glad to know you all and thanks for
everything mulai hari ini kita buat hal masing -masing oke ! i will never stop to loving all my cousin..:) 

And that's all for today.Before i forgot , i didn't post my tuition n my picture in genting highlands kan ?
So i'm gonna to post it later :) bye-bye assalamualaikum..

Sincerely : Tasya Naby